Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well, I can't think of any completions right now, but instead I would like to report some progresses.  That will make me feel a bit better that I'm not just sitting stagnant on this list (see Part 3 of original post and item number 97 on the list).

So!   Items I have made progress on:

1) Cut soda intake to less than 60 ounces per week.  So I'm only two days in on this one, but I feel it's worth noting.  I have opened one bottle of soda, a 16.9 oz bottle.  I'm actually thinking I might not even finish it tonight.  What has helped is actually something I will report on next in this post, as well as the addition of milk, bottled water and citrus green tea to my fridge, and hot cocoa at work!  Anyways, if I keep at the pace of 17oz per 2 days, that means I will have 59.5 oz over the course of the week.  Less than 60 oz!  I think I should try to keep this up!  Once I get it down to that amount, I may even be able to break my caffeine addiction!

4)  Start a consistent exercise routine.  So, I know it doesn't count as an exercise routine, but probably one of the biggest changes to my lifestyle that has occured recently is the addition of Friday night Football to my week.  The last two Fridays I have gone out to Pohick and played Full Contact football with my Brothers in Law and some of their friends.  It's a lot of exertion, it's a lot of fun, and it has inspired me to get fit and drink more milk, less soda.  So soon I intend to start working out and all that.  So... yay progress!

33/36) Replace broken dishes / Go 3 months without breaking a single dishAnti-progress... last night broke another wine glass, tonight broke another spaghetti bowl.  The wine glass I'm not worried, we have souvenir glasses from all the vineyards we've visited, this was one and therefor not too expensive or valuable...  but the bowl...

60)  Design logo for Infinite Joy Weddings.  I've put pencil to paper on this one!  I've designed the first draft, I'm going to re-upload Adobe Illustrator and finish this project up.  It's a symmetric design, so it won't take too long since I've already got the draft.

75) Complete my resume.  I updated my resume today, Catherine looked it over.  I have my mentor looking at the document tonight, he should provide feedback soon!  I'm excited about that.  He's been in the business for many decades, so I think it will really help!  Once I get his feedback, I'll cross this one off!

76) Get the QA Manager position.  This is a good one too!  I've been informed that the position is mine, all I'm waiting on now is the award of SCOSS.  We win, I'm in!

So yeah, that's that!  Within a month, I should have at least three more completes without even trying too hard.  Maybe I can even take care of one of my salary goals ;-)

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