Sunday, September 12, 2010

And now to introduce...

EDIT - 9/11/10 - Completion!
EDIT - 9/12/10 - Completion!

My CIMI List.

I'm sure by now anyone who has found this page is familiar with the idea of a 101 things in 1001 days lists.  Well this is mine, and I call it a CIMI List for short (think Roman numerals, CI and MI)

I'll readily admit that half the reason I'm doing this is because my wife asked me to.  The other half is two-parts (so really, I suppose we are dealing in thirds not halves, as these are all directly proportional...)

Part 1 - My wife encouraged me to do it.
Part 2 - If I don't make a list, a real physical (or in this case electronic, though I have a paper copy) list, I forget things.
Part 3 - Even if I make a list, keep it in a notebook, or start a calendar, if no one else can see it, I end up ignoring it.  And it becomes useless.

So, here's my list...  in categories...  because it's easier that way.  For the record, it officially started on September 1st, when my wife started hers.  However, I didn't draft my list until the 3rd, so I guess I have 999 days...  Not to mention I haven't posted until now (the 12th...).  I'm just slow in posting the stupid thing.  So I think there will be a pretty quick "I did one!" type post...

           Making Me a Better Me

  1. Cut soda intake to less than 60 ounces per week
  2. Cut video game time to less than 5 hours during the workweek
  3. Cut video game time to less than 4 hours during the weekend.
  4. Start a consistent exercise routine.
  5. Get over my personal apprehension of making phone calls
  6. Surprise Catherine, with a Surprise.
  7. Stay in touch with my parents and siblings
  8. Get my wedding ring repaired.

    Culinary Delight!
  9. Cook a completely new meal every night for 5 straight nights
  10. Make a meal I'm terrified of trying to make
  11. Bake a cake from scratch
  12. Learn how to make my mom's apple pie
  13. Learn how to make a complete Thanksgiving Dinner
  14. Make our own holiday family tradition
  15. Learn how to cook 365 completely unique meals.
  16. Replicate 5 of my restaurant favorites
  17. Help Catherine become a confident cook

    Being Rich
  18. Make $60K annually
  19. Make $65K annually
  20. Make $70K annually
  21. Put $5K into retirement (as a couple)
  22. $500 baseline in my personal account
  23. $1,000 baseline in the joint account
  24. No more credit card debt
  25. No more student loans
  26. Pay off  the damn Saturn...
  27. Restore my credit score

    Home Improvement
  28. Buy a home
  29. Buy all the furniture we want for the apartment we're in now.
  30. Clean / restore all of our furniture
  31. Decorate home walls!
  32. Have a "theme'd" room
  33. Replace broken dishes
  34. Super clean the apartment
  35. Keep the apartment clean for two months
  36. Go 3 months without breaking a single dish
  37. Get rid of useless junk

  38. Attend a Redskins rivalry WIN  Completed 9/12/10
  39. Attend a Capitals WIN
  40. Attend a Nationals WIN
  41. Attend a DC United game
  42. Host another AMAZING party
  43. Host an AMAZING formal dinner event
  44. Attend a Dolphins game
  45. Attend another concert
  46. Own all existing Seasons of Top Gear
  47. Attend a major MINI motoring event
  48. Meet and make two new couple-friends (so... 4 people)

    Stupid Mutts
  49. Kennel train Darcy
  50. Kennel train Trevor
  51. Train both dogs to roll over, and at least two other parlor tricks each.
  52. Train both dogs to eat out of their own bowls
  53. Train both dogs to heel
  54. House-train both dogs COMPLETELY
  55. Train Darcy not to snarl, EVER.
  56. Adorable family portrait!
  57. Have dog-friends

    Artistic Freedom
  58. Launch Ed's webcomic
  59. Launch my webcomic
  60. Design logo for Infinite Joy Weddings
  61. Paint portrait(s) of the dogs
  62. Paint engagement portrait
  63. Paint wedding portrait
  64. Make a new abstract piece as awesome as the paper quilt and "Symphony in Flightless Color"
  65. Complete wine amphora series
  66. Finish all "in-process" art pieces
  67. Display my work
  68. Write one of my books, even if it turns into just a short story

  69. Make $45K annually
  70. Make $50K annually
  71. Make $55K annually
  72. Get out of HCI
  73. Try something new (BD, PDC, Accounting, PM, etc.)
  74. Become an auditor
  75. Complete my resume 
  76. Get the QA Manager position
  77. Attend an exciting off-site meeting

  78. Revisit Jamaica!
  79. Visit a foreign country in North America
  80. Visit a foreign country in South America
  81. Visit a foreign country in Europe
  82. Take a 500+ mile road trip
  83. Visit Jei in VA Beach / Newport News
  84. Visit a vineyard outside of the Shenandoah and Loudon wine regions
  85. Go on another cruise!   Edit -  Completed 9/11/10
  86. Visit another State (one of the good ones) for a 3-night stay
  87. See a famous landmark I've never seen before
  88. Visit a famous landmark I've never visited before (yes, there is a difference between seeing and visiting, no they can't be the same landmark)
  89. Visit CNU when all the renovations are complete (or as complete as they will be in 1001 days)

  90. Be a $100K annual household
  91. Put over $10K into MY retirement
  92. OWN a new car/SUV that I actually want (Leasing the MINI doesn't count, cuz I don't own it.  but if I bought it, it would totally count)
  93. Visit one vineyard in each of Virginia's wine regions.
  94. Private wine lessons!
  95. Watch and support Catherine's business as it takes flight!
  96. Make a profitable business out of my Arts background
  97. Actually use this list (see Part 3 above, it would actually be significant) - aka complete 20 goals each year
  98. Welcome Greg back from a successful Tour of Duty
  99. Meet a celebrity
  100. Own and wear a fancy watch.
  101. Be a father.

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